Bingjie Liu

Assistant Professor (讲师|高校) | Master's Supervisor (硕导)

Contact Information

Office Location: Room 526, Chongshi Building | Office Email:

Research Interests

Forestry | Remote Sensing | Geoscience | LiDAR | Deep Learning




  • 学生培养方向主要包括森林遥感、激光雷达、深度学习等。
  • 欢迎有兴趣从事林业遥感与森林激光雷达应用方向的学生报考。
“遥感基础有多少并不重要,无非后面努力去学。重要的是,我期望你能静下心来,坐得住,不骄不躁,不太功利,谦虚礼貌,能够沉淀自己。每个人都有自己独特的优势,我们尽量去挖掘,我会尽我所能去帮助你,科研路上,我们是师生更是朋友。” (引自: Linyuan Li)

"The level of fundamental knowledge in remote sensing is not crucial; what counts is the effort put into learning. It is essential to remain calm, patient, humble, and polite, avoiding arrogance, impetuosity, and utilitarianism. Each individual has unique strengths that should be explored to the fullest. I will do my best to assist you. In scientific research, we are not only teacher and student but also friends."